Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Second Epistle of Pavl to the Corinthians

He proceedeth exhorting them to the foresaid contribution, 3 to verifie his commending of them. 6. and to doe it liberally, that so they may merit the more, and God be the more praised.
1. FOR concerning the ministerie that is done toward the Saints, it is superfluous for me to write vnto you. 2. For I know your prompt mind: for the which I glorie of you to the Macedonians: That Achaia also is ready from the yeare past, and your emulation hath prouoked very many. 3. But I haue sent the Brethren, that the thing which we glorie of you, be not made void in this behalfe, that (as I haue said) you may be ready: 4. lest when the Macedonians shal come with me, and find you vnready, we (that we say not, ye) may be ashamed That is, in this matter of almes Chrysos. Theoph. in this substance. 5. Therfore I thought it necessarie to desire the Brethren that they would come to you, and prepare this blessing before promised, to be ready so, as a blessing, not as auarice. 6. The Epistle for S. Laurence, Aug. 10. And this I say, he that soweth sparingly, sparingly also shal reap: and he that soweth in blessings, of blessings also shal reap. 7. Euery one as he hath determined in his hart, not of sadnes or of necessitie. 8. For * Eccl'ci 35,11. God loueth a cheerful giuer. 9. And God is able to make al grace abound in you: that in al things alwaies hauing al sufficiencie, you may abound vnto al good workes, 10. as it is written: * Psa. 11,9. He distributed, he gaue to the poore: The fruit of almes is the encrease of grace in al iustice and good workes to life euerlasting: God giuing these things for reward & recompense of charitable workes, which therfore be called the seed or meritorious cause of these spiritual fruits. his iustice remaineth for euer. 11. And he that ministreth seed to the sower, wil giue bread also for to eate: and wil mulitplie your seed and wil augment the increases of the fruits of your iustice: 12. that being enriched in al things, you may abound vnto al simplicitie, which worketh by vs thankes-giuing to God. 13. Because the ministerie of this office doth not only supplie those things that the Saints want, but aboundeth also by many thankes-giuings in our Lord, 14. by the proofe of this ministerie, glorifying God in the obedience of your confession vnto the Ghospel of Christ, and in the simplicitie of communicating vnto them, and vnto al, 15. and in their praying for you, being desirous of you because of the excellent grace of God in you. 16. Thankes be to God for his vnspeakeable guift. ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. IX. 1. Toward the Saints.) Proctours for Catholike Prisoners.
By the Apostles earnest and often calling vpon the Corinthians to giue almes for relieuing the faithful in distresse, the Pastours of Gods Church may learne that it specially pertaineth to their office to be Proctours for holy men in prison, pouertie, & al other necessitie, specially when their want commeth for confession of their faith.
5. Not as auarice.) Cheerful giuing.
The couetous man that parteth with is peny painefully and with sorrow, as though he lost a limme of his body, is noted; and cheerful, ready, voluntarie, and large contribution is commended.
6. Soweth sparingly.) The greater almes, the greater merit and reward.
Almes is compared to seed. For as the seed throwen into the ground, though it seeme to be cast away, yet is not lost, but is laid vp in certaine hope of great encrease: so that which men giue in almes, though it seeme to be cast away & to perish in respect of the giuer, yet indeed it is most fruitful; the benefit therof manifoldly returning to him again. Whereupon the Apostles conclusion is cleere, that according to the measure of the almes or seeding (which is more or lesse in respect of the wil & abilitie of the giuer) the encrease & aboundance of haruest, that is, of grace and glorie shal ensue. See S. Augustin in Psal. 49. circa med. & q. 4. ad Dulcitium.
12. Doth not only supply.) Almes redound to God's honour.
When almes are giuen, specially to holy men, not only the giuers obtaine great benefits thereby, and the wants of others be supplied, but God also by the receiuers continual praiers and thankes-giuing therfore, is exceedingly honoured: so that charitie bestowed in this sort, is an acte of Gods worship and of religion.